A work form that seeks to force speedy production, testing, and improvement of halfworked ideas so that they are shared and bolstered at...
#6 Creative Driver GETTING PHYSICAL
Moving from overdependence on electronic media and towards materializing and visualizing ideas in artifacts, touching ideas, sketching...
#5 Creative Driver DARING TO IMAGINE
Boldly venturing forth into unknown territory through creating shared imaginings cultivating a language of possibility, handling failure,...
#4 Creative Driver ACTIVATING DRAMA
Calling people into adventure – into battles, mysteries, missions, cathedrals, treasure hunts, or the needs of the human other – in ways...
#3 Creative Driver CRAVING WONDER
The sensuous experience of being in a mystery, a combination of feeling startled and engaging in passionate speech. Wonder underpins all...
#2 Creative Driver ZOOMING OUT
Stepping back from immersions in data and analysis of ideas of particulars to big picture thinking, letting go of details, and seeking...
#1 Creative Driver PREPPING
The practice of carefully preparing, building, and revitalizing knowledge in a way that maximizes its potential for effective use in the...
idea work - creative drivers
In der Vorarbeit für unser nächstes Konzert, welches in einer Skulptur des Architekturbüros Snøhetta stattfinden wird (02.09.) stolperten...
***The New Austrian Sound of Music 2018/2019***
Wir freuen uns über beide Ohren darüber, dass wir mit VIERHALBIERT für "The New Austrian Sound of Music" (NASOM) 2018 / 2019...